Cops, panicked, jog by. A Range Rover swerves through an alley, screeches to a halt and backs into a police car.…
Occasionally, it’s entirely appropriate to drop whatever your holding, look straight into the eyes of whoever’s…
As a car owner, I don’t think there’s a worse feeling in the world than walking to your parking lot and discovering…
In America, when police pull over a fleeing motorist, they pull out their pistols. In Bavaria, they apparently break…
This week London police reportedly pulled over a Lamborghini Huracan, impounded it on the basis of being uninsured…
An Oklahoma pickup-truck driver severely lost his shit this week, and rammed a car off the road and into a guard…
One Florida man found out the hard way that tossing a four-foot alligator through a drive-thru window will get you…
Last month Florida attorney David J. Maloney, locally famous for an aggressive anti-DUI attitude, was arrested on…
Watch the California Highway Patrol chase a stolen car down the highway LIVE right now!
Ruslan Shamsuarov, the 20-year old son of the Vice President of Russia’s second-largest oil company Lukoil, suffered…
In China, a beautiful dark purple Jaguar XJ blocked a Range Rover Evoque from an exit, leaving the SUV’s driver with…
A couple of comedians left this Nissan Leaf on a Los Angeles street during the weekly two-hour period reserved for…
A BMW i3 was recently stolen with a running dashcam, and the resulting footage capturing a phone conversation…
“If you drink and you drive and you hurt someone, don’t call me. I’m not gonna represent you, I’m not gonna help…
In Saskatoon, Canada, a suspected car thief crashed a flatbed truck into a parked Ford F-150. Local residents heard…
“Not half bad for the first time driving a bus,” the Bangor Maine Police Department’s consistently hilarious…
In an event that seems like fun until you think about it even for a little bit, a 29-year old mother took a drive in…
Are you prepared to witness the most cinematic real life bank robbery car chase ever recorded? Because this shit is…
On Wednesday, police in Washington chased down a Honda Accord after they clocked it doing 112 mph on the freeway.…