The reason that the Angry Hamsters don't have room for the supercharged Studebaker Lark at their shop is a really…
Having just visited the secret warehouse in which Dave Coleman (of Ghettocharged Miata fame), Alex (of CBR1000-powere…
The gauge cluster from the Hayabusa-powered Speed Unlimited MC-10 buggy makes the inside of the high-flying desert…
The Tyrannosaurus Rex was once the most fearsome creature on the planet, but that didn't stop it from going extinct.…
After a squid crashed his ‘Busa on a Texas highway, drivers surrounded a Dallas motorcyclist with their cars to…
In case you had any doubt the 455 HP Radical SR8LM is street-legal, they drove it from England to the Nurburgring to…
We were displeased to see VW's annual Wörthersee concepts were relatively tame. Thankfully, these gents stepped up…
What's that you say? Can't afford one of those new V8 Ariel Atom 500s? Well, who says the only way to have an insane…
I never would have imagined that 55% of you prefer a Pierre Cardin '73 AMX to a "real" '70 AMX, but that turned out…
We received the following note from Dennis Palatov of dp Cars. If you're not familiar with Dennis's exploits…
It wasn't enough for H.R. Engineering to merely perform one of its signature front-to-rear-drive conversions on this…
Hi Al. We thought we would post this. It's a video of a Caterham with a Hayabusa motor. We're sure you know more…
Take one part Honda S2000, one part classic Opel GT, one part Suzuki Hayabusa and one part orange juice and what do…
A few years back, a Hayabusa-riding roommate of ours was dating a Geo Metro-driving friend of ours. The relationship…
We've posted on the Kamikaze before, but caught it up close in all its questionable, Hayabusa-powered glory. The…
The Radical SR8 could be one of the most economical ways to go really freaking fast and actually make a corner…
We nearly forgot to mention the Geneva coming-out party for the Acabion GTBO, whose streamlined comportment looked…
Oh God. If we hadn't been walked out on by the last girl of our dreams, we wouldn't be looking for a new one at the…