Listen folks, driving drunk is a terrible idea. Designating a sober driver while you're throwin' 'em back? That's a…
Right now the limit to be considered drunk while driving is a blood alcohol level of 0.08. If the National…
Ah, a Sunday night in Montana. You know what that means? It's time to go for a drunk horse ride and then a nice…
As responsible denizens of the motoring world, we do not condone drunk driving in any form. If you do get caught,…
This breathalizer gadget tells you how long until your drunk ass is safe to drive. Check out all the details right here on Gizmodo. Read more
If you've ever been in a Walmart, then you've seen those little mobility scooters that help disabled folks get…
My name is Ben, and I'm an alcoholic. Ok. I'm not a real one. Those can be found at Alcoholics Anonymous meetings,…
Sarah Richardson is a model citizen of Las Cruces, N.M. She's a beauty queen, she volunteers in the community, and…
The Colts' Reggie Wayne dropped off his 2007 Bentley at a valet in Indianapolis on Saturday night. When he went to…
Leslie Richard Newton was pulled over in Florida last night for driving his grey Camaro with a traffic sign in his…
Briana Banks, the star of Sodomania: Slop Shots 9 & 10 and Honey I Blew Everybody 3 was having an off night when she …
Whenever someone crashes through the barrier on the side of an overpass, it's never good news. When Matthew…
Typically, emergency room doctors do everything they can to save lives. But 56-year-old Kristen Howard nearly did…
Talking on the phone while driving is bad. Drinking and driving is worse. Doing both is unacceptable. But if you…
I'm sure this has happened to all of us: You're out driving, and you pull up to a stoplight. In the SUV next to you…
It's been a while since we've heard from the Sunshine State, but authorities there arrested a woman who admitted to…
Lindsay Lohan seems to be on a Porsche crashing hiatus, so it's time to pick on another Hollywood starlet. It's all…
What started as a routine traffic stop on I-70 just west of Denver turned into a 25-mile chase reaching speeds of up…
Get your saw ready, Bugs, it's time to start hackin'. One of Florida's sons has run afoul of the law again, this…