The Japanese car auction system has become my new Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist. In between getting my pants…
There are car company names that are acronyms like Fiat and Alfa, and plenty of model names that are initialisms,…
A simple miscalculation of angle, speed and friction can be very bad news when behind the wheel. But for most…
The seller of today’s Nice Price or Crack Pipe Brat says he doesn’t know why he’s even trying to unload it. Let’s…
Subaru has been around in the United States for 50 years and they’re celebrating with a very limited anniversary trim
So far it’s not clear if this is a mistake, a deliberate Easter Egg left in by JJ Abrams, or what, but in at least…
I was recently invited to the home of a guy who owns two Subaru BRATs. This is like getting invited to dinner with…
The windshield of today's Nice Price or Crack Pipe VW carries the self-deprecating proclamation All Mixed Up.…
It's a story you've heard a thousand times(?) Recently single old timer is unsatisfied with the car-truckiness of…
Cue the meditation music and let's watch an RC Subaru Brat lay down some surprisingly intense donuts in the dirt!
Good morning comrades! The glorious revolution has treated us well, no? We have fields to harvest dirt in, and…
In Ronald Reagan's day, it wasn't smart for an American politician to be seen in a Japanese vehicle, but the…
GM has a history of vehicle names based on weather phenomena- Typhoon, Syclone, etc. While we're still waiting on…
Remember when you used to have to pull a lever to send power to all four wheels in your Subaru? The hardships our…
The Subaru BRAT is a great runabout but the backwards-facing jump seats are as dangerous for storm troopers as they…
We're convinced BusinessWeek intentionally created its "Fifty Ugliest Cars of the Past 50 Years" list to offend Jalop…
This is Down On The Street Bonus Edition, where we check out interesting street-parked cars located in places other…
As much as we may be inclined to mock the Thunderstorm, which combines the nose and a powertrain of a Geo Storm with…
There's probably no flag-draped car currently more familiar than the Subaru Brat from My Name Is Earl, which…