If you’ve ever looked a map of the Arctic and thought, “There’s probably nothing up there but polar bears and ice,”…
Do you know what helps end civil wars? Peace talks! Do you know what is not helping us try to avoid World War III?…
How many Russian dudes can you fit into a beat-up GAZ 31029 Volga? Answer: a whole lot. And also a guitar and an…
In July 2014, Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was shot down over Ukraine. Today, in their preliminary findings,…
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s “favorite chauffeur” was reportedly killed in a head-on collision in Moscow.
I cannot help but cherish and adore this demo video for what appears to be an interesting and innovative two-wheel…
You know how in movies like Fast and Furious, cars somehow manage to explode in unrealistic, over-the-top displays…
There’s a lot of evidence that suggests Russia was behind the Democratic National Committee hack, and that least…
Now is the time of watching old simple strong good normal Toyota sedans vigorously engage in abnormal activities of…
New evidence shows that information from the Democratic National Committee hack might not be something you should…
When you think of Soviet vehicles, what word comes to mind? Probably “shoddy.” Or “terrible.” Or “unreliable.” Maybe…
When you’re the only Tesla owner in your entire city, in your entire region, things can get strange. For instance,…
Yesterday, a video surfaced that depicted a chrome-wrapped Lamborghini Murcielago spinning out on a sodden Russian…
Zero-gravity 3D printing is already operating on the International Space Station, but it can only crank out dinky…
If I’m ever in an accident, the first thing I do is make sure everyone involved is safe. This does not appear to be…
I found myself one late August evening in 2008 listening to the tick-tick of various components and liquids…
It sounds very straightforward when he describes it. There was no good road leading from his town to the nearby…
Ruslan Shamsuarov, the 20-year old son of the Vice President of Russia’s second-largest oil company Lukoil, suffered…
Look, if you won’t keep the Russian on Red Bull’s main Formula One team, the Russians might just replace it with an…
With the planned June 4 date coming up fast, Formula E had to cancel its Moscow date, shrinking the season down to…