Yep, we've seen this ad from the Enid, Oklahoma Craigslist. The one all of you keep sending to our tips email. It's…
Long before Fiat took the reins at Chrysler, the Chrysler TC by Maserati was a shining example of Italo-American…
All right, which one of you wrote this Craigslist ad, and why does it speak to me? A Craigslist seller in Enid, OK,…
Some of you probably get unreasonably upset when we post things we find on Craigslist. Your automotive addiction is…
What has to be one of the largest and most incredible collections of BMWs is up for sale and absolute gems abound.
Even in 2013, Craigslist ads can be full of fuzzy information. Maybe it's because people think they're writing a…
When you think of Mercedes-Benz R&D department, you're probably imagining a bunch of white-coated German engineers…
What's a fair and even trade for a Ferrari Enzo? A man in Florida seems to think that his private island would fit…
There are some strange, probably murderous people out there on Craigslist, but this ad for a BMW E36 part out in…
Craigslist is a pretty normal place to shop. Oh wait no, that's not quite right, is it?
If this Craigslist posting is to be believed, a man in Holyoke, Mass is selling his Honda S2000 because the guy he…
You know how your life's been kind of purposeless lately? How you've been thinking that nothing matters, and why…
If you looked at this Craigslist listing and said, "holy crap who would do that to a Bentley Continental?" don't…
Over a year ago, we reported on a Craigslist ad for a used Grand Am that set a template for a huge number of copycat…
How do you make a Corvette look like a Ferrari? You skip that garish, unconvincing bodykit and stick an engine under…
What happens when you take a salvaged US Navy jet engine out of a Banshee fighter jet and stuff it into a '67…
A modified car is a very personal choice. Do what you want to it, it doesn't hurt anyone. Unless you make a Ford…
A good rule of thumb for car tuning, and life in general, is that just because you can do something doesn't mean you …
Making a ridiculous ad on Craigslist has emerged as a kind of art form for the new millenium. Besides having a…