Is this whole "best Craigslist ad ever" trend finally played out? I think it might be. That's why it's nice to see a…
The Chevrolet Corvette. It is, in some ways, the physical embodiment of American speed. It is an icon. To many, it…
Spinsy-winsies. Decorative plate-scab. Fancy turning crank. Oblong chrome nipple with "5" on it. Art. This 1993…
Vice President Joe Biden may not be the Commander-in-Chief, but he's definitely America's Horsepower-Loving-Gearhead-…
Why spend all that time and money building a normal car into a ridiculous Lemons racer when the good people at…
See that, you philistine? That's "art" you see up there. And one of you should buy it for me for the low, low price…
You know how you've always wanted to drive a genuine movie car, but your life partner is too selfish to sell their…
Threatening people over the Internet isn't a terribly effective or advisable way to sell your car. But when you live…
Reason 8,598,477 to lose faith in humanity: A man once woke up in the morning and said to himself, "Today I'm going…
Some day we might consider a clean, un-scraped 2003 Subaru WRX to be worth almost $24,000. That day isn't today,…
One of the best things about Craigslist is the always-exciting chance of the absolutely unexpected. An ad for a used…
A Toyota Prius with a V8. The perfect sleeper, the cross between a hipster and a gearhead, is almost too good to be…
Hey Northeast US: It's snowing all crazily outside. If you want Taco Bell and don't have four-wheel drive (or snow…
The old adage goes "buyer beware," but "seller beware" is every bit as accurate. Just ask Opponaut J. Drew Silvers,…
Oh, Craigslist. In the history of mankind, has there ever been a better place to get an almost-new blender just for…
We're pretty much inundated with emails about "creative Craigslist ads" and at this point it's tough to stand out.…
Attention diplomats: A Lancia Thesis is for sale and it's in Chevy Chase, MD. Buy it. But it now. (H/T)
From used Teslas selling for more than new, salvaged pickups with luxury car prices and old BMWs with torn seats…
These days with high-power, high-cost sports cars growing ever more computerized and detached, maybe the best…
We all have stereotypes about Craigslist car ads — the bizarre cars, the typing and grammar that looks like it had…