I get sent a lot of Craigslist ads for weird and/or shitty cars by readers. I regard this as one of the biggest…
Here, check it: this is a 1996 Honda Civic that someone made into a “limo” and wants $1,000 for on Craigslist (ad sav…
It is the Jalopnik staff’s unanimous opinion that you should buy a BMW Z3. But which Z3? There are so many. I’m here…
Hi. Hey. How are you? You seem well. You look, and you’ll excuse me for being a little forward here, like you could…
Earlier today as we often do, Jalopnik got an email alerting us to a particular Craigslist ad. This one was for, of…
You know, $18,000 will buy you a lot of car. You could get yourself a reasonably well-equipped new Nissan Sentra, if…
Over the weekend, an ad popped up on Craigslist, as they often do, of a man looking to sell his Saturn. That in…
Guys, hey! Thanks for doing me this favor. Somebody just posted a freaking 1987 Oldsmobile Aerotech on freaking…
I completely understand how some people get very focused on one particular type of car. Sometimes it’s fun to…
It’s time for This Week On Craigslist! We’re looking at a bunch of cars that we could have pinned down, but didn’t,…
So, I try to be a good (enough) son. After we found my mom her adorable new 1957 Edition Fiat 500, I offered to…
Normally, there’s not a whole lot to like about a Craigslist used-car ad generated by a crude text-generating…
The Chevette was never a great car, I get that. But I’m not sure the Chevette was so bad that it’s worth offering to…
We Jalopnik staffers spend our days looking at cars one the internet: new cars, old cars and, most worryingly, cars…
I see you out there. You’re like me, spending all your free moments—such as they are—browsing the Craigslist,…
Many, many, many years ago I turned down a beautiful old 140-series 70s Volvo selling out of my buddy’s neighbor’s…
Why yes, I have spent hours each day ogling that giant gallery of BMW M3s we posted earlier this week. Don’t judge…
Remember “Hector?” The guy who was “too slow to make away with the money, man” at the first street race in the first …
Is there anything a Nissan 240SX can’t do? No. No there is not.