We lost a good one today. R&B legend Etta James died in Los Angeles from leukemia. She had a long and immensely…
I'm trying to decide where to go for spring break. I long to escape the cold and darkness and wind. Especially the…
If you spent time around an engineer in the Eighties, you probably saw that person using a Hewlett-Packard…
It's been said before, but it's still true: Books for little kids can be some seriously messed-up violent nasty…
We may or may not be living in the Age of Anxiety. (We may instead be living in the Age of Xanax.) But fears and…
It's been a warm January so far, but it's looking like that's changing in a serious hurry. Winds are picking up,…
I'm typing this at 4:55, trying to get this done before five. It's a push. Producing a high-quality product (or a…
We want to be happy. We want life to go well. Even with reality's complexity and frustration and even real pain,…
The automotive industry is well over a century old. That's plenty of time for strains of business and culture and…
Marketers the world over would have you believe otherwise, but life is about aging. We grow, we gain experience,…
I wanted to give today's COTD to this comment, wherein TheKlic nails the Australian accent at its parodic best, á…
It was a day of great, reasoned discussion on the Jalop. Just go back through the threads on Joel Johnson's bold…
Mobbed-up Teamsters boss Jimmy Hoffa's final resting place has sparked cocktail-party conversation since 1975, when…
Whether you loved or hated Wes Anderson's movie "Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou," there's no doubt you left the…
Slice-of-life articles were once a staple of newspaper journalism. Now, hardly anyone reads good stories about how…
The year 2011 is quickly winding up. By next week, we'll be ankle deep in 2012, a year the Mayans say will end…
However we feel about automobile emissions and fuel efficiency, mapping out a way forward hasn't been easy. That's…
Not all comments have to be Snark-O-Matic masterpieces. Sometimes, especially around the holidays, with 2,700…
What did we do before the internetz? I remember something about Metallica and a short italian guy with a mustache…
There's nothing worse for an educated consumer than to hear a company blame the end-user for a product malfunction.…