Cops, panicked, jog by. A Range Rover swerves through an alley, screeches to a halt and backs into a police car.…
Occasionally, it’s entirely appropriate to drop whatever your holding, look straight into the eyes of whoever’s…
An Oklahoma pickup-truck driver severely lost his shit this week, and rammed a car off the road and into a guard…
It’s not clear why this Pontiac G6 driver decided it was a good idea to drive over a motorcycle carrying two human…
Road rage isn’t always the easiest thing to communicate with other drivers, since noise and traffic flow tend to…
Few things could ever force me to drive into oncoming traffic, especially on a motorcycle. But this rider did…
We do not support tailgating, and we do not support brake checking someone when they’re tailgating you. This, right…
If you piss off Jesus in Sheboygan, WI, watch out—I’m looking at you, fellow masturbators. That’s because it seems…
It’s not clear what happened before this video begins that made the driver of this Infiniti so brain-cloudingly…
In Austin, Texas, honor is taken seriously. As any Austintonian can tell you, traditions are strong. Traditions like…
Yesterday morning, a driver in Fontana captured an insane accident on his dashcam as an out of control truck struck…
Seeing a fast car driving slowly can be irksome. I mean, what’s the point of doing 55 MPH in a car capable of so…
Tell the truth: if you were a Floridian with a Mercedes, a handgun, and an assault rifle in your car, what would…
Police in San Francisco this weekend arrested a bicyclist for attacking a ZipCar with a u-lock during a Critical…
We’re getting a little desensitized to Russian dash cam footage at this point, but holy crap. Charging somebody’s…
While the stereotype of taxi drivers around the world is one thing, taxi drivers in Thailand can seem a special type…
Reports are coming out of Yuma, Arizona that a motorcycle rider may have cut off this motorist, who then worked up…