The problem of brake lights not distinguishing between gingerly slowing down and rapidly stopping is now being…
The good folks at CarDomain were kind enough to point us to another example of vehicular destruction today. As if we…
It looks like this pair of 2009 Hyundai Genesis Sedans got a bit tipsy on the way to their upcoming luxury-party…
The horrible drag racing incident in Selmer, Tennessee at the "Cars and Kids" event last June has taken yet another…
That new 2009 Nissan GT-R R35 that we saw all bent and busted yesterday over in Malaysia? Yeah, you remember.…
The folks over at NAGTROC snagged some shots of a new 2009 Nissan GT-R R35 in a slight state of disrepair this…
In a move that most drivers would deem as excellent, the Japan police will begin encouraging drivers 65 and older to…
All these newfangled materials and production techniques may be making cars more survivable in crashes, but they…
In an unfortunate story out of Randolf, MA, 53-year-old Stephen Cullen was killed in a tragic accident while…
What Leap Day Celebration would be complete without an homage to accidental off roading? In a happy timing…
UPDATE:Coming through in the clutch, tipster Karol Pawlak has provided a translation of the story below the fold.
It seems that fate is indeed not without a sense of irony. A New Zealand man with a history of fines for 32 seatbelt…
The ongoing saga of Nick "Hogan" Bollea continues to play out as the judge in the case has ordered a pre-sentencing…
Okay, the Pontiac Grand Am may not have been the greatest car in the world. It may not have even been of palatable…
We're grateful that the two interns piloting this Wienermobile were not hurt when the 27-foot-long homage to…
I remember back in the day when I was a young lad first learning how to drive a manual transmission. My father…
The Florida Highway Patrol have pulled the black box from the pulverized 2008 BMW M5 remains involved in the high…
Some amazing news of destruction out of St. George, Utah. Last Saturday, Ernest King fell asleep at the wheel of his…
Today's Hoon of the Day comes to us from NBC's Today Show and the little city of Hinsdale, IL. Here's what happened.…
Edmunds Inside Line went and did what we were too bothered to do yesterday and dug up details on the tragic 2008 BMW…