We're grateful that the two interns piloting this Wienermobile were not hurt when the 27-foot-long homage to America's appetite for ersatz meat products hit a patch of ice and spun out of control while barreling towards Penn State. It would not only be unfortunate, but make it harder to make jokes at their expense. Seeing as how they're uninjured we now have no reservations about highlighting the humor in a giant hot dog planting itself in a ditch. For instance, we're happy to point out this quote from the tow truck driver that extricated the Wienermobile from the snowy ditch: "I've pulled out a lot of vehicles," he said. "But that's the first wiener I've ever pulled out."
There are many more sausage-related jokes to make, but the writer of the story milks most of the humor out of this situation. In the end, it's good art but falls short of our favorite Wienermobile story. [Star-Gazette via AutoBlog]
(photo: Star-Gazette)