UPDATE: Seems that the young'un involved with the Ocala BMW crash was a frequent poster to a BMW M5 forum. Racing…
In what can only be called the worst case of AADS (Asshole Audi Driver Syndrome) ever recorded, Tomas Delgado, a…
That's right, a fourth Google Street View accident. After Minneapolis and Phoenix - twice, we're now joining some…
We're beginning to wonder if Google Street View is somehow causing these accidents. We saw the awesome Audi Q7…
We at Jalopnik have sort of become connoisseurs of the Ferrari crash. And while the Eddie Griffith Enzo Crash may be…
CNN is reporting on a story that could make any red blooded, truck driving guy feel a pang of anger. San Diego area…
It's darn near an epidemic. As unlikely as it may seem, we have captured pictures of another Google Street View…
Water touching you really is the worst possible thing in the world, look what it did to the wicked witch of the…
Oh fudge. So, if you've never used a GPS empowered navigation unit, the single most annoying thing about them is the…
Finally, Google goes and does something worth our while. In what seems to be a completely inexplicable car…
A sad story from New Zealand as an odd horse v. car accident resulted in the death of two (three if you include the…
Yesterday you all got a gander at the wiped out B210. A commenter who goes by the suspicious handle of "Kelly"…
Yes, a Jeep did crash on South Main in Royal Oak, MI today. Yes, the crash apparently took down three electric…
I don't know what's more jolting to me — the fact a Mazda MPV took a flying header into the Chicago ABC7 studio at…
Moose are proving to be the bane of the open road roadway. Before they were just eating our cars, now apparently…
Imagine cruising in your brand new, 2007 BMW 320D Touring at 230 kph (~143 mph) along the pristine asphalt of the…
If you live in Virginia and accidentally put a dent in your parent's new Bimmer we've got a great excuse for you: a…
Good news for us and bad news for our friends at Defamer: you're more likely to die during cosmetic surgery than in…
Pop quiz, hotshot — you see Keanu Reeves backing his Porsche out of a parking space south of Los Angeles and he hits…