Ever since the infamous 11-foot-8 bridge in Durham, North Carolina, gained 8 inches in clearance, we’ve had an empty…
I know we all lamented the painful eight inches of cowardice that was added to Durham, North Carolina’s famous…
We all seem to enjoy a bit of vehicular schadenfreude around here. This might explain our years-long infatuation with…
I have some bad news for those of you who enjoyed watching box trucks get sardine can’d on Durham, North Carolina’s…
It’s happened again! Durham, North Carolina’s most famous, dynamic, and charismatic bridge-citizen, the 11 Foot 8…
There’s one particular bridge in Durham, North Carolina that’s something of a celebrity around these parts. Despite…
Everybody, everybody, look at your calendar! See what day it is? It’s the 8nd of November! Sorry, the 8st of…
Our favorite low-ass bridge is back in the news, boys! Who is the unlucky victim this time? The United States Army,…
The famed 11-foot-8 bridge, affectionately known as ‘the can-opener bridge’, is a train trestle in Durham, North…
The famed 11foot8 bridge claimed yet another victim this past week, a rental truck failing to heed its many…
The famous 11 foot 8 bridge keeps a surveillance camera going to capture all of the unsuspecting truck drivers who…
We've had a dalliance with the surprisingly dangerous beast that is the 11-Foot-8 bridge before, but got-damn, I…