We all seem to enjoy a bit of vehicular schadenfreude around here. This might explain our years-long infatuation with…
Three things in life are certain: Death, Taxes and people in rental trucks hitting the 11-foot-8-inch railroad…
There’s one particular bridge in Durham, North Carolina that’s something of a celebrity around these parts. Despite…
It’s been a while since we’ve checked in with my favorite local celebrity, the ornery-but-fair Durham, NC bridge we…
Our favorite low-ass bridge is back in the news, boys! Who is the unlucky victim this time? The United States Army,…
While plebeian workaday cars can be transported on an open trailer exposed to the elements, high end automobiles…
The famed 11-foot-8 bridge, affectionately known as ‘the can-opener bridge’, is a train trestle in Durham, North…