We normally set up drag races to test the acceleration of a car in a straight line. It’s a good way to evaluate…
Truckers need to handle incredibly unwieldy loads sometimes, and watching the logistics of maneuvering something…
In 1898, automobiles were still pretty new and pretty hot. In our laziest glory, we had invented a motorized way of…
Starsky Robotics is a self-driving truck company that was the first company to run an unmanned semi on a public…
There is no scarier road condition than thick soupy ground-level fog, and when conditions are as harrowing as…
“Getting dragged” has a few different meanings these days. There’s the online kind, which happens when someone posts…
Divided highways are great, because vehicles traveling at high speeds in the opposite direction are far away and out…
Some of the best vehicle-related entertainment around is done by vehicles least likely to entertain, like school…
A tractor-trailer weighing many tons smashed into the side of a police SUV Monday morning on a slippery road in…
Scale-model cars, especially 1:18 scale ones, are a true joy. They are small enough to fit on a bookshelf or a desk,…
Have you ever noticed the height warnings on the freeway and wondered, what do trucks do if they’re cruising along…
We’ve all done it at least once in our lives. We’ve looked at a road sign and gone, “pfft, yeah right”, and gone…
Last month, videos of an 18-wheeler casually pushing a car down the interstate in San Antonio popped up on Facebook.…
Those massive triple-truck road trains that dominate our highways baffle me. “What type of person would subject…
Toyota is one of the few automakers actively pushing hydrogen fuel cell technology into the mainstream. Already,…
Today’s car companies are absolutely gigantic corporate overlords, so it’s interesting when two of the very biggest…
Spotted, Wednesday on Highway 99 in Fresno, California: a man holding onto a tractor-trailer, cruising down the…
If you like doing things in your life like eating food and owning objects, then chances are really, really good that…
While plebeian workaday cars can be transported on an open trailer exposed to the elements, high end automobiles…