Today, GPS-manufacturer TomTom launched an update to TomTom Home, a software suite that allows TomTom users across…
A new braking feature in Toyota vehicles links up the braking system with your GPS navigation—ultimately getting us…
First it was ABC News. Now National Public Radio is getting in on journalism of the abundantly self-evident. The…
Garmin has been keeping really busy this week. The GPS giant has been dropping hints all over the place about its…
Just when I thought Garmin was too busy releasing a relentless number of GPS navigation systems, they come out of now…
Garmin is taking steps in the right direction with a new service it recently announced. Everyone who has used a GPS…
Samsung and CSR, a wireless tech company, are partnering to develop a new GPS solution that may slash the costs of…
One of the biggest gripes about aftermarket GPS navigation systems is that there are simply too many choices.…
It pains me to see it, but one of the lesser-known GPS manufacturers will be bringing 3D GPS Navigation software to…
It's absolutely beautiful, isn't it? Look at her, the Garmin Nuvi 5000; she's just so beautiful and elegant and…
In addition to a tease of even more Sync-ing to come at the 2008 CES show, Ford's just unveiled their newest toy…
Didn't get that much desired GPS receiver over the holidays? But, your aunt got you that Amazon Kindle you never…
Some people just don't get it and I kind of can sympathize with them. A man was stopped on a bicycle in Amityville,…
It's a shame that it's taken this many years to finally achieve this bit of convergence, but it is finally done. To…
While most of us were inhaling fruit cake, those wacky Russians decided to launch three Global Navigation Satellite…
Virtual Cable is a solution to the often finicky turn-by-turn directions provided by some GPS devices. Rather than…
In an effort to keep families alive on long road trips, Nissan has combined two cruise control technologies: radar…
I'll be the first to admit the Google Maps "navigation" on the iPhone is pretty gimpy. So gimpy that I ended up in…
Apparently, this is the new Colorado (no, not that Colorado). Well, the picture says so, but we don't always believe…
Big Brother is watching you, and this time Big Brother is watching you watch reruns of Big Brother at the gym during…