If you're like us, you're constantly wondering what to get your many Swedish friends for Christmas. A Dala Horse?…
What manner of electronic gear rests in the cockpit of Alex Roy's bicoastal Bimmer? Roll call: Lots of GPS stuff,…
Yeah, so one of us had the unfortunate need to take a cab from LaGuardia to the city yesterday in the midst of a…
Wherein the most quietly manly of the Top Gear trio hops in a Ford SportKa with a top-flight navigation system and…
A friend of ours who owns a pretty serious exotic IM'd us last night asking advice on shitboxes. She wants a…
Our fraternal site that likes gadgets the way we love cars (i.e. more than girls) is reporting that a new…
Looks like Mio, the global GPS gurus, are having a bit of trouble with their website. All we're hoping is that it…
Yeah, we know GPS-enabled NAV systems are going to be seeing some pretty impressive sales numbers this year — it's…
Charlie White, from our brother gadget-loving site, recently went hands-on with four GPS units — the Cobra NavOne…
They're not just about sunglasses anymore. Porsche Design is all over the electronics like Holger H rter on a stray…
Watch your gadgets and gizmos kids. A critical intersection of cars equipped with tracking systems and the desire…
Those gadget loving freaks at Gizmodo have another awesome piece of automotive necessity. By necessity we mean…
Our nerdy brothers over at Gizmodo have uncovered yet another reason to make fun of the British. The country that…
TomTom, d Yao Ming-endorsed GPS/NAV aftermarket provider, iz nw providn instNt messenging az a nu feature on thR…
Villagers in rural Crackpot, England (no, really, it's actually called Crackpot are worried that satellite…
"I see the ghosts of navigators but they are lost/As they sail into the sunset they'll count the cost/As their…
Dr. Raja Sengupta of Cal has come up with a novel imminent-collision-awareness idea. First, we kill all the lawyers.…
If a full-boat GPS system is overkill for you, the harried commuter, TrafficGauge might just be solution. The…