Didn't get that much desired GPS receiver over the holidays? But, your aunt got you that Amazon Kindle you never wanted in an effort to boost your literacy? Don't fret, there are some solutions and one is with said Kindle. The Kindle is Amazon's eBook reader. Don't raise those eyebrows at me, eBook readers deserve some GPS love as well.
While it may not have an actual GPS receiving chip in it, the Kindle does include a DTEV-Dual CDMA Qualcomm chip. Think of it like a cellphone chip. This chip is capable of supporting gpsOne technology for position-location. You know how some cellphones have that semi-gimpy location based service GPS software? This is the same thing, but gpsOne is one of the most accurate technologies for location-based tracking.
It may not be a full blown GPS unit, but it could work in a pinch trying to find yourself a towing company. Although maybe not that one. [Gizmodo]