After more delays than we can keep track of, the long-awaited meeting between President Bush and the automakers is…
What weirdness is afoot at the White House these days — or more importantly, what's Tony Snow smoking? David…
Senator George Allen from Virginia's got nothing on Mike Osskopp, the district office director for Minnesota…
The White House yesterday claims to finally have decided to meet with US automakers in a meeting that's been…
Michigan's Governor Granholm knows that just because the Commander-in-Chief doesn't have the time to meet with…
You know, the more the American automotive industry gets ignored by the folks with all the power in Washington,…
We know Dubya doesn't have time to meet with US automakers — but was it necessary for him to rub it in their…
This meeting's supposed to have happened since April, but for some reason the President just can't seem to make…
A fort-night ago 'twas decreed no US automakers shall be granted audience with King George, he of divine right…
President Bush was going to have himself a fancy little sit-down with US automakers on May 18th to discuss some…
Although President Bush had more important things to be doing today — one can only assume he had a full plate of b…
It used to be a President would give his right nut for the opportunity to meet-n-greet and grip-n-grin with the…
The one positive we gas guzzlers can think of about gas prices is the fertile ground it provides for politickin' —…
Nope — we're pretty sure he thinks the General, FoMoCo and Das Chrysler still need to make "relevant" cars, but…
Amidst all the hoopla going on about the high price of oil, today's message seems to be "it's the market,…
• Oil prices are too high, the environment's gettin' worse — and that's just why this man wants to make it easier…
Well, it's good for US parts manufacturers. Although we really aren't talking about war, today the feds fired the…
Can't the General get a break? First, you had The Prez postulatin' US automakers are more Michigan Governor Jennifer…
Our boy Ray hipped us to this exchange between our illustrious president and the DetroitWonk's former sugarmomma,…