Governor Granholm Pleads With King George: "Grant Our Automakers A Meeting!"

A fort-night ago 'twas decreed no US automakers shall be granted audience with King George, he of divine right and providence province. Lo' what is this? Despite said decree, there be one who still challenges the King. It is Lady Granholm, Governor of the lands of Mee-chee-gahn, protector of the automotive heritage of the lands of states united:

"I urge you to grant a meeting as soon as possible to our domestic automobile industry leaders to resolve critical issues and avoid serious harm to our nation's manufacturing sector and overall economic prosperity."

Tho' the declaration bold, and the motives sound — we doth doubt the message will fall on any but the deafest of ears. What sayeth the rest of Lady Granholm's penned letter to King George? Why, thou dost only need to jump the page to seeth for yourself.


July 5, 2006

Granholm Calls on President Bush to Meet with Domestic Automotive Leaders

LANSING – In a letter to President Bush, Governor Jennifer M. Granholm today called on the President to stand by his word and meet with Michigan's automotive leaders.

"While the companies continue to transform themselves, their leaders are eager to meet with you to discuss many issues that would lead to a better way of maintaining America's superior position in the design, production and sales of 21st century cars and trucks," Granholm wrote. "I urge you to grant a meeting as soon as possible to our domestic automobile industry leaders to resolve critical issues and avoid serious harm to our nation's manufacturing sector and overall economic prosperity."

Granholm said it remains critical that domestic automotive leaders have the opportunity to meet with the President to discuss the changes needed to retool the industry for a globally competitive marketplace. Despite continued postponement of the meeting from the White House, the Big Three have made tremendous strides in recent months to return to profitability.

Priority issues to the industry include pension and health care legacy costs, and unfair trade practices, such as the theft of intellectual property. Domestic automakers have also focused on the issue of renewable fuels by announcing plans to produce of vehicles equipped to use E-85 ethanol instead of gasoline.

"I am sending this letter to President Bush following a weekend of record-high gas prices," Granholm said. "By working with our manufacturers to develop and promote alternative energy options, the Bush administration can be a key partner in our efforts to reduce gas prices across Michigan and the country."

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Disassociatin' With Dubya: Detroit Automakers Disowned by Prez; In The George W Bush League, Are There Four Strikes?; Mr. Automaker Goes To Washington [internal]

