A nice little drop in a very large bucket as average prices sneak down a few cents
Y'all have seen some weird things in gas stations over the years.
The price of a gallon of gas is going down across the country, but some states are still feeling the pain
Today's prices for a gallon of gas are hovering right where they have been: a few cents away from the record
The price of a gallon of gas has remained steady despite the fact the price of a barrel of oil is tumbling
Gas prices usually go up during the summer as producers switch to a lighter crude
The average price of a gallon of gas has stabilized on its record high... for now
America consumes almost double the oil it produces every day
Wondering why your tank of gas costs what it does? We can help.
The price of a gallon of gas is going up, up, up and away. Of course, California leads the pack
Disappointed by the aroma of your exhaust? This company can help
"I think the connection to IQ is larger than we thought, and it’s startlingly large."
The rising cost of a gallon of gasoline is being blamed on Russia's invasion of Ukraine
Gasoline prices are spiking across the country, with the average price of a gallon of regular well over $4
There is a lot of demand and supply isn't keeping up.
Part 8: People might have put less trust in leaded gasoline if they'd known how much of a shitshow the lab was that…
The EPA says it's evaluating just how bad lead from avgas hurts humans.
The 7 percent rise in consumer goods was tied to, among other things, used car prices and fuel costs
I think this might be the greatest ratio of fuel capacity to car size ever for a production car
Part 7: Opportunity knocks in Dayton, and GM builds a creation myth around leaded gas