A good auto mechanic is smart, safe, and competent. Bad mechanics are none of those things. But it looks like no…
If you lose control of your car and careen into the side of a building at full speed, you wouldn't think to count…
A pileup is a horrible thing, but the real danger often doesn't start when you hit the car in front of you, but…
Usually we see the aftermath of a pileup. Wreckage everywhere, ambulances, police cars, fire trucks, and a…
South African soccer player Rooi Mahamutsa slipped on a patch of wet road and slammed straight into a guardrail earli…
Things start to go wrong when the trailer unhitches from this unsuspecting driver's tractor, and it all just goes…
Usually, when a car and a train collide, the train wins. Almost always. But every so often someone, usually in…
Total mayhem ensued in Dallas today when drivers decided to turn around and drive in the opposite direction…
A Colorado man may now sue the people who saved his life to the tune of $500,000. What did they do wrong? They…
I gave that ditch a Yugo. Ditches love Yugos.
Over the last few months I've been training as member of the volunteer fire company in my hamlet. Last night was my…
Two drivers were stung by bees hundreds of times after one car collided with a tree and angered a hive. How did one…
Er, more than a little bit.
Cell phones and driving have been a hot topic for a while now. People fail to believe that a cell phone is really a…
After a pregnant woman drove herself and her three children into the ocean in Daytona Beach, Florida, rescuers…
A terrifying wall of snow, wind, and ice tentatively being called a "snowboob" caused 96 cars to crash into each…
A HANS device basically tethers your head to your shoulders so you don't snap your neck in an impact. Watch the…
The driver of this car wasn't lucky — another driver careened into him at high speed. But take a closer look at the…
Deeply depressing news out of Berlin this morning: a Ferrari 458 Speciale, that gorgeous and lustworthy red, white…
There are no more extreme jumps in rallying than those in Finland. And there are no more extreme jumps in Finland…