Have you ever been joking around about something, and somehow, though you didn’t intend it at all, the joke you made…
Modern cars are fast. Sometimes very, very fast. And occasionally even faster than you could possibly use on public…
Car commercials, in general, suck, lavishly and sloppily. So when a series of commercials for a car comes along that…
I’m not sure if the gravity of this has sunk in for you just yet, but the total eclipse of the sun expected to…
This’ll take less than two minutes, I promise. Just play this old 1966 Volkswagen ad here, one that’s introducing…
Now, I realize that I’m not an advertising executive working on the ad campaign for Mercedes-Benz–those easily…
You’ve probably been wondering what it is. The Best Thing On The Internet. It’s a valid question. I’m delighted to…
At one point, the narrator in this 30-minute secret pre-release promo film for the Edsel says “Edsel: the car that’s…
The idea is simple: instead of using a rare or priceless car on a film shoot, you use a blank model of a car and…
This is “The Blackbird,” a battery-powered automotive rig with a fully-adjustable wheelbase, track width, and…
The bar for any car ad where the premise is a staged focus group and there’s a reminder that the commercial has “Real…
Cars are vastly better today than they were in the ‘60s, but automakers have lost something important: the…
It’s clear Hyundai spent a lot of money and resources on this commercial. Well, on the first 2/3 of this commercial,…
When you buy a car, what's really happening is that you're entering a relationship with your car. And that's how it…
I can't believe I haven't seen this already; it was first shown before the 2013 Brazil GP, and shows the evolution…
This almost feels like a deleted scene from True Detective, with Matt McConaughey reprising his role as Rust Cohle…
What's going on here, exactly? We have a Zaztava 101 — a Fiat derivative from the good folks that gave us the Yugo —…