Honda and Disneyland Resort are pairing up like Donald Duck and his speech impediment to promote Honda's new Civic…
We had a "Diamonds on my Windshield" joke all cued up, but we somehow lost the thread when the UPS guy hit the bell.…
Despite the way the folks at DCX tug at our loins with mighty AMG and SRT models, we're apparently not part of the…
The UK branch of environmental action group, Greenpeace took out a full-page ad in the Times (UK) criticizing the…
What's that company that builds the hybrid car again? It's like boy-yoda or toy-yokel or something. Ah, whatever.…
Volkswagen and Universal Studios will carve yet another notch in their media synergy six-guns later this year, when…
Prospective buyers of 2006 Fords, mournfully clutching cardboard boxes of personal effects and pilfered office…
Sources tell us Volkswagen of America will announce today that it's choosing Miami-based advertising badasses…
The long-jaw'd wonder of the airwaves and speedways is the subject of two big stories, which we'll summarize with…
It's as if Lamborghini thought it had to get clever to make us rise from the couch long enough to consider what its…
Man, we feel gypped. We slave all day, searching the internet hither and thither, working our brains into a mild…
A pro—speed camera organization knows what young people think of speed cameras, and in response, launched an ad…
"R-Class, you mean machine, you make a grown man cry with luxury." Ok, The Rolling Stones' new association with the…
GM has extended its employee discount program just long enough for us to train our overseas replacement, go on a…
Dreyer's/Edy's is phasing out the bon bon, and with it goes one more memory of Grandma's house. To replace the…
BusinessWeek offers a feature piece covering the world of automotive logos and imagery, focusing on the Cadillac's…
AOL, as part of its effort to thoroughly humiliate spammers it trounced in a court case last year, is giving away a…
Porsche recently cracked open a new microsite to promote its line of 2006 Carrera 4 models — which, as we will go on…
Despite looking like the Brooklyn newsie who used to sell our uncle Angelo the Racing Form, Lee Iacocca recently…
You mean we're not fired? C'mon, GM make up your damn mind already. We were just about to print out 100 copies of…