Despite the way the folks at DCX tug at our loins with mighty AMG and SRT models, we're apparently not part of the Mercedes-Benz demographic, even though we could probably afford a lease on a C-Class if we economized a bit. M-B's got a new promotion, hipped to us by, that creates a playlist a Benz owner might like, and then allows said Benzie to download the tracks for free. But, as with much in life, you pays your money and takes your choice. And when you don't pay, well, the choice is often between something resembling a fecesburger and an expectorate shake. After the jump, our pick for a proper road-ripping mixtape, plus an opportunity for you, dear reader, to demonstrate your musical acumen and win!
Here, then, is our playlist, which should go nicely with sweepers, twisties and flat-out straightaways in anything with an AMG-built motor. We're thinking CL 65.
1. Turbonegro - "The Age of Pamparius"
2. Black Flag - "Nervous Breakdown"
3. Jawbreaker - "Housesitter"
4. Jawbox - "Motorist"
5. Pegboy - "Strong Reaction"
6. The Clash - "Death or Glory"
7. Iron Maiden - "The Prisoner"
8. The Riverboat Gamblers - "What's What"
9. J Church - "The Sound of Mariachi Bands"
10. Pinhead Gunpowder - "Buffalo"
11. Operation Ivy - "Sound System"
12. Bad Religion - "The Positive Aspect of Negative Thinking"
13. H sker D - "Eight Miles High"
14. Dead Boys - "Sonic Reducer"
15. The Misfits - "Bullet"
We would've posted the mp3s, but we didn't wanna get Denton boiled in oil by the pantywaists at the RIAA. In fact, why don't you come up with your own fifteen-song playlists and send 'em over to and we'll post the best ones. Include the Mercedes-Benz vehicle that your playlist is designed to accompany. Get creative; the best entry will win a prize, to be determined by us, of indeterminate value. Now have at it, fiends! [UPDATE: There's been some confusion among readers wishing to submit playlists about which Mercedes vehicles are eligible. For the sake of our Sweet Lady of Clarification, any vehicle wearing the three-pointed star, past or present, including G-Wagens, Unimogs, GP racers, etc. Sorry for any brain-addling we caused there.]
Mercedes-Benz Mixtape [Via eMercedesBenz]
Exile on Main Street: Stones Promote Mercedes R-Class on Tour [Internal]