Old GM creditors take on U.S. Treasury in bankruptcy court over who is entitled to the fruits of $1. [AutoNews]
Chalk this one up to pro-fake-name-tipster Cody Ace; it's a makeshift list of why GM went into bankruptcy according…
The now-bankrupt GM's stock price is up almost 100% this week from speculators and short-sellers, forcing the…
GM salaried retiree benefits cut by two-thirds as part of "difficult changes." [TheDetroitBureau]
Think GM's new "Re:Invention" ad campaign is a bit of a joke? A spoof site called GM Re:tardation's sprung up to…
Upon GM's announcement of bankruptcy, celebrated self-promoter Michael Moore patted himself on the back while typing…
Yesterday, CNBC inter-spliced their GM bankruptcy coverage with happier moments from the General's past (i.e., the…
You told us about your first Oldsmobiles. Our turn now: before becoming smitten with Lamborghinis and Zondas, our cra…
As part of GM's Chapter 11 filing today, you the taxpayer now own 60% of General Motors. Congratulations. But who…
Reasons abound for GM's bankruptcy, including legacy costs, fuel prices and the conventional wisdom of East Coast…
As part of GM's bankruptcy, fourteen plants across the country will be closed or placed on "standby." We've put…
Were you one of the countless dozens following the @GMBlogs twitter account during CEO Fritz Henderson's press…
President Obama stressed today he doesn't want to own the "New GM" or run the company. Also, they'll still support…
Just back in off a plane from LA, we made it to the GM Building here in midtown Manhattan in their world financial…
Chevrolet-Saturn of Harlem, a General Motors Corporation dealership in New York, is the first to file for bankruptcy…
GM will officially declare bankruptcy tomorrow morning before the markets open. Additionally, the Obama…
President Obama to address nation Monday regarding GM bankruptcy. [NYT] Read more
Detroit offering tax-free zone to GM/anyone who will stay at the Renaissance Center. [CrainsDetroit]
GM plans to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on Monday, then sell most of its assets to a new company. The bankruptcy…