Feel something exciting in the air? Does there seem to be a general sense of energy all around you? Perhaps a slight…
Are you feeling sort of down? A little crappy? Buddy, I get it, and, even better, I know exactly what you need: a…
I realized that it’s been forever since we’ve done an automotive Would You Rather, so let’s take care of that, right…
Holy crap, the first month of 2017 is almost over and I haven’t even provided you with a new Would You Rather! You…
You know what we need right now? A good game of automotive Would You Rather! You know I’m right, so stop fighting…
According to all the computations I’ve been running on this Kaypro I found in the wreckage of a 1983 business jet,…
It’s been a little while since the last Would You Rather, hasn’t it? You’ve missed this, haven’t you? Of course you…
It’s been forever since we’ve had a good round of automotive Would You Rather, right? That’s terrible. You deserve…
It’s been a while since we had a Would You Rather, and I’m pretty sure your ichthyologist told me you needed about…
That funny tingling in your perineum can only mean one thing — it’s Would You Rather time again. Your brain needs…
What time is it? You know what time it is: It’s time to exercise the part of your brain that does all the important…
It’s been a while, right? You’ve missed this. I know you have. You, like me, need these mental hot-oil-wrestling…
You know what time it is, don’t you? That’s right! Even though I’m traveling and recovering from debilitating…
I’m out here in LA this week getting ready for the life-changing Jalopnik Film Festival, but I wanted to take a…
Time for another automotive Would You Rather! You must be very excited. And, you should be, because this week’s…
What’s your secret? How do all of you manage to have it so together, to be so consistently awesome? Don’t think I…
Remember a little bit ago, when we played some automotive Would You Rather? That was fun, right? Well, I meant it…
Everyone knows how to play Would You Rather, right? You present two different situations, with differing benefits…