With no more auctions scheduled for 2012, we're safe in looking at the top 10 sales of cars at public auction from…
Sex appeal is used to sell cars in every country, but China has outdone the rest of the world with what they call…
They had spent 14 days in darkness. Late on the morning of the 15th day, December 2, 1950, light finally peeked…
If Jalopnik readers could have any ten cars on sale in 2012, this would be their $2,412,141 Christmas wish list.
I felt like I was having things a bit too easy Will It Baby-wise recently — a car with an extra door just for…
It's Christmas evening and you've now had time to open all your presents. What's the best gift you've received? Is…
Forget everything you know about Sicily. Yes, the economy is in shambles and the mafia is still alive and well…
When I was on my way to Colombia this summer, a majority of the people I told where I was headed responded with,…
If you pose the question "what kind of car should I get" to anyone here on Jalopnik, the answer will invariably be…
Looks like we've got an early Christmas present for all you Corvette aficionados out there. Even more images have…
In design, there are times when squares are in and when things get all round and ovally. Then, you have the…
This week, Infiniti found themselves the subject of much ridicule after their decision to rename all of their cars…
Welcome to the Jalopnik Weekend Motorsports Roundup, where we let you know what's going on in the world of racing,…
Watching most car racing in person is nearly impossible, which is why most of us watch it on a TV... when the…
In 2004, production began on what was supposed to be the greatest modern car documentary. 32 Hours 7 Minutes was…
When you own a car, you tend to make very careful choices with how you modify it. Chances are you'll need to sell it…
The greatest cars to drive are often complete death traps. But it's the end of the world, so who cares? Jalopnik readers
This is the Morning Shift, our one-stop daily roundup of all the auto news that's actually important — all in one…
My tolerance for bad, primitive racing games is pretty high, as is my love for isolated Communist video games. So…
Volkswagen in China is famous for still selling the 1984 Mk.2 Jetta as the Jetta. Soon, they will be replacing the…