When Hollywood's not blowing cars up they're outfitting them with spectacularly unrealistic gizmos and weapons. Plot…
Automotive enthusiasts are on the verge of accessing a new epoch in performance cars, with everything from hot…
Like busty frauleins cradling a stein of Spaten, sometimes the combination of two German concepts creates a…
When car designers attempt to be futurists they typically come up with fascinating vehicles both revered for and,…
If you believe Hollywood stunt coordinators, gas trucks are everywhere and your family sedan's a light tap away from…
Fighting crime, winning races, and combating suburban malaise are all examples of the heroic tasks cars are called…
Bros don't love cars like they love plaid shorts, spray tans, and secretly touching the junk of other bros, but they…
Cosplay allows fans to recreate a fantasy life by dressing up as their favorite characters. Automotive cosplay also…
The reward of getting a great deal on a used car's sometimes overshadowed by the reality that you've made a mistake.…
The right hood ornament on a car can produce a spirit of ecstasy in the viewer, creating in them the desire to…
It's the season of giving, but not every car's worth slapping a novelty-sized bow on. We asked you what new vehicles…
As a child, the family car is the most fantastical device you'll see mom or dad piloting. Therefore, as children we…
In a perverse contradiction of progress, more high performance vehicles are being offered with automatic gearboxes…
Despite reaching the 25-year age requirement, many cars lack the personality and soul to become true classics. With…
Most car commercials keep the spotlight on the vehicles, but now and again a famous spokesperson lends their fame to…
When it comes to racing passes, most get right to business without anything spectacular; others are just…
Remember when men were men and had the cojones to race around in cars that were fundamentally death traps. We asked…
Some luxury vehicles seem to attract the attention of young upper class men and women like a sale at LL Bean or a…
There are cars that appeal to a certain group of people: the mullet-wearing, Wal-Mart-shopping, the trailer parking. …
Like a teen disguising his acne on Facebook with a closeup of his bicep, automakers use photographic misdirection to…