A study by the obviously pro-government National Taxpayers Union claims each new GM vehicle costs the average…
NYC Airspace to close tomorrow because of Walter Cronkite. Seriously. [Mediaite]
In a 91-5 vote, the U.S. Senate passed a scaled-back $1 billion "Cash For Clunkers" bill. Democrats beat back a…
President Obama stressed today he doesn't want to own the "New GM" or run the company. Also, they'll still support…
When Obama unveiled new fuel standards we decried the end of fun cars and pointed out how far most automakers are…
According to Politico, the Obama administration's announcing a new national auto standards policy for 2016. The plan…
President Obama's Auto Task Force cut Chrysler's planned bankruptcy marketing budget, $134 million for nine weeks of…
We're told the White House and Democrat Congressional leaders have reached an agreement on the so-called "Cash For…
Last night on 60 Minutes, President Obama introduced a bit of laughter-as-the-best-medicine Gallows humor into the Ca…
President Obama was on The Tonight Show talking cars with Jay Leno, who knows a little about the subject. The future…
Channel 7 WXYZ, Detroit's ABC affiliate, managed to capture President Obama's auto task force driving the plug-in…
President Obama's auto task force will drive a Chevy Volt test mule during a visit to GM's Technical Center in…
In tonight's mini-State of the Union, President Obama said the "nation that invented the automobile cannot walk away…
Of the 10 members of President Obama's Auto Industry task force, only two are known to own American cars, two don't…
UPDATE: Obama's New Cadillac Limo Officially Unveiled!
With a new president set to take the office, GM is working on…