No, it's not. But after the "Big Balls" post from earlier, you'd expect it should be. As we all know — much like…
Let me first dispel a few myths. Most important, the car actor Eddie Griffin crashed into a wall, and that is now…
Apparently unafraid of displaying wrecked exotics to garner notoriety for their film, Redline's promotions types…
Yay, now we can merge geeking out over robots in disguise with geeking out over gals we'd love to think of dating…
The summer sequel to 2005's Fantastic Four flick, titled Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, finds the…
With the General now going full-tilt into the Transformers movie merchandising and product placement, we're thinking…
'Round Jalopnik parts, we now and then mention television series like Starsky and Hutch, The Dukes of Hazzard and Kni…
It's funny, because it's not been that long since The Spy Who Loved Me last crossed the television screen at the…
The Lamborghini Murcielago was named for a bull named for a bat. Bruce Wayne, well, he dresses in a bat-themed…
In the cesspool of cross-promotions that is Hollywood, we can't think of any marketing opportunity less synergistic…
Paukert the Exclaimer's pal "Life O'" Reilly Brennan dug up this gem of a clip from John Frankenheimer's classic…
The Transformers loving kids over at our favorite hangout for all things robots in disguise is live from New York…
Inside Line, new home of the Loverman, has the story of the first General Lee — the example that leaps Rosco's…
Well, it's Friday and we're feeling a bit of a hankering for some Transformers action, and our fave fan-boy site on…
Apparently the scene above was shot for a movie called "I Am Legend" which we're told has nothing to do with Matthew…
One of the biggest reasons for the General to be involved in this upcoming summer's blockbuster movie about the cars…
Here's an exclusive (via the link below) look at the Transformer known as Barricade. He's a rockstar, ain't he?…
One of our fave fan sites was tipped off this week to pictures of cover art for a Japanese kiddie book tie-in to…
We posted on Super Van a while back, noting that had appeared in various guises over the years, but we'd never seen…