Here's what happens when E-Class dorks screw with Mantas and angry, James-May-Coiffed 308/328 drivers. Note to…
While Manta - Der Film is truly one of the classics of European cinematic history, much like Skywalker, there was ano…
Before we were only kidding that the new footage from the MTV Movie Awards last night looked like a commercial for…
We just got a chance to check out the new shots of the live-action Transformers movie coming out next month that…
Looks like Speed Racer's dad went all out this time, as the Pops Racer-built Mach 5 looks like it's all ready to…
Ahh, just because Spin wouldn't let me talk about my beloved cars-that-turn-into-robots on the air earlier today…
We've never actually seen The Marseille Contract, a 1974 thriller starring Michael Caine. Nevertheless, we have now…
A couple of years ago, we went on a secret mission in the Bay Area in an attempt to win back an old girlfriend. It…
If you were watching "Heroes" and a couple of other big-name TV shows this week, you may have caught two new…
We have a pair of Brucetastic Ultrasone headphones. We use them when we want to block out the neighbors' bickering…
We enjoy the Bourne movies and plan to check out The Bourne Ultimatum when it drops next month. As Bumbeck pointed…
Looks like the folks doing marketing for the new live-action Transformers movie are enjoying tweaking some of the…
Let me have a diablo sandwich, a Dr. Pepper, and make it fast, I'm in a god-damn hurry!
I See for yourself. It''s beautiful. Screen caps below and we'll have the high-res…
We're told the final big-screen trailer for the new live-action Transformers movie is coming early this afternoon.…
In 1994, there was a girl. She was coveted by numerous boys at the fortnightly college paper. She was aloof,…
Dodge must have felt bad because they haven't been getting any of the Transformers love that the General's been…
The next Jason Bourne movie's been filming in the town where it's time to be a part of it, and Audi fan forum-site …
Say what you will about, "Redline," Daniel Sadek's vehicle for his vehicles and for his former fiancee, Nadia…
WTF? That's it — Bay officially may have just ruined the movie for me. I'm going to go cry in my corner now and…