The DIY Network's airing a five show segment of its Celebrity Rides program devoted to big Burt and his new Bandit.…
The following is an e-mail plea from reader James, who's making an example of what we'd consider to be a very well…
Well fan-boys, here's your very first shot of the new Ford D3-platformed luxury sedan for the brand that…
We think the Batmobile Tumbler is pretty sweet as far as superhero movie cars go. True, it's no Transformers…
What happens when the VW Vortex guys collide with the now defunct MPH A-squad? You get Motive, a new online magazine…
Apparently crashing a "Touareg 2" isn't the only bit of automotive hoonage from the upcoming new Jason Bourne…
Our gadget-obsessed brothers snagged some pics of a vehicle a tipster snapped shots of at a filming location for…
There's no doubt at least one of us thinks the Audi R8's a pretty smooth looking sports car — and apparently so…
In case you haven't heard the next Batman movie will include a motorcycle that's been nicknamed the "Batpod" —…
We've never seen Tony Arzenta, a 1973 hitman actioner from Duccio Tessari starring Alain Delon in the titular role,…
We shamelessly loved last year's Cars, and while it wasn't Pixar's most commercially-successful venture, there was…
Saving the world from evil Decepticons isn't all it's cracked up to be. For one, the overheads are ridiculous. With…
Looks like even the directon of Michael Bay couldn't dent the huge opening week take of Transformers. The movie…
They're filming the fourth installment of the Indiana Jones series at Yale University in New Haven, Conn. this week,…
Last night, we suffered a bout of insomnia, and as such found ourselves caught up in the Beeb's excellent Johnny Got…
For your evening enjoyment, we bring you what may be the lamest car chase to feature a cast member of Star Wars…
Truth be told, my Manta fixation goes back over 25 years. As a kid visiting Northern Ireland, I was inextricably…
Wherein two of our absolute favorite automobiles of the 1980s go head to head in a duel to the death. Also, we feel…