They're filming the fourth installment of the Indiana Jones series at Yale University in New Haven, Conn. this week, and I stopped by to score some photos of the prop cars used in the production. Producers have run several streets on or near the Yale campus through a time machine, giving the already venerable locations a mid-'50s patina. Period delivery trucks line a street on which a corner Starbucks is now a corner bar, mannequins sport contemporary fashions, and parking meters and streetlights have been removed, while DeSotos, Packards and one very popular, very narrow Crosmobile Super sit idle. Almost all the cars have also been given the daily-driver look via the application of dirty water. I don't know why, but they managed to ruin a perfectly good Evo VIII by sticking a jib on its roof and loading the interior with tubes and electronics. Nothing attracts a crowd like a crowd, so I ambled over to where an earlier shriek from the gathered masses suggested that Mr. Ford had recently arrived in an Escalade parked nearby, but nothing much happened while I was there. I did spy a few extras in plaid skirts and sweaters walking around in saddle shoes and clutching books, though. Something tells me the coeds will be hitting on Herr Doktor Chones once again. Enjoy the gallery ˆ my personal favorite is probably the Continental Coupe, but keep and eye out for the unintentional Self-Portrait Of The Author As A Young Man.
You Are There: Forza Showdown, Epilogue [internal]