The summer sequel to 2005's Fantastic Four flick, titled Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, finds the quartet of super-freaks behind the wheel of a new vehicle capable of pushing the fictional limits to 550 miles per hour and 30,000 feet. Now here's the fun part. The film version of the car was created with a lot of input (and marketing dollars) from the Chrysler Group's chief stylist, Trevor Creed. As such, the Transformers-less automaker's turned the new Fantasticar into a Dodge. And yeah, as you can see in this close-up or in the full original-size picture, we're told it's got a HEMI. We're going to go and vomit now.
Fantastic Four Get HEMI Power []
Transformers Movie Update: New Vehicle Pictures From Edwards Air Force Base! [internal]