Well, we should probably change that to "used to drive." A Floridian driver literally just crashed this Buick…
Automakers give out free cars to magazines and some websites for as long as a year. They call them long-term testers.
Remember the guy who swapped an old phone for a Porsche? Well, this is another shining example of marvellous…
Sometimes Google's Street View cars return some pretty astounding pictures. Like yesterday when a picture appeared…
Getting pulled over is one of the worst feelings in the world. It's also one of those times that you wish you were…
Pranks on unsuspecting drive up window attendants have been around for years. But then YouTube came along.
I don't care what you think. Call me a dweeb. Call the guy who built this thing a nerd. Whatever, this Ferrari F1…
Personalized license plates are a great way of letting complete strangers know personal information about yourself.
Parking must be really bad in Houston, because they're giving out tickets to cars parked on walls now. At least…
Do you like bottle service at clubs? Do you like to keep an expensive bottle of Cristal with you at all times? Do…
My very first Jalopnik post, just over a year ago, included a number of illustrations. In those, standing in as a…
Here at Jalopnik, we bring you stories from across the globe, from the Nürburgring to the Baja to Colombia and…
A custom paint job is a way for you to express yourself through your car. Jalopnik readers have found ten car…
If there is anyone on the road who should be driving on snow tires when it's snowy out, it's someone who actually…
Shit happens when you party naked, as the old saying goes. You know it, I know it, and the owner of this…
Ah North Carolina, it's pine-scented breeze begat such commercial staples as textile factories, paper mills, and…
I suppose it's possible that this is just a chyron error designed to make everyone's inner eight-year-old eject…
Illegally parked asshats are the bane of humanity. Well, maybe they aren't but these Russians seemed to think so,…
Old Subarus are great snow cars, but what if you live in the desert near the Mexican border? It's pretty sunny down…
Have you ever been in one of those fights where you suddenly decide "this will be far easier if I get in my car and…