John DeLorean had many great ideas for keeping his (soon to become troubled) company even before the first…
Sabrina Chun emailed us because, really, she likes cars. As a result of all her car-liking, she's employed her…
Man, I feel like I missed an obvious Classic Ad Watch choice last weekend, and I'm here to apologize for that.
Welcome to Used Car Face Off, where we find two similar or similarly priced used cars and ask you which one you…
Last weekend, the weather in the District of Columbia was rainy, gross and cold, as it often is this time of year.…
Hey, wanna buy John Z. DeLorean's house in California? It's not as cool as you'd think it is. But it's pretty nice.…
Stainless steel finish. Volvo engine. Backbone chassis. Gullwing doors. Alleged money laundering. Manufacturing in…
This baby boy has the coolest parents ever. For his first Halloween, his awesome parents dressed him up as Marty…
Yesterday, we told you about one Russian mother who was working to make her Back to the Future DeLorean-obsessed…
Traffic sucks, so why not start your morning off with some music? You provide the toast and we'll provide the jams.
Back to the Future, and especially the time traveling DeLorean, made a pretty big impression on kids and adults…
I have some hot news for all the Back to the Future fans out there! Which should be all of you, because if you don't…
There is absolutely no doubt that owns what can only be considered the worst DeLorean in the entire world:… has a new album coming out. At a party for the launch of said album his custom DeLorean he says isn't a…
We continue to follow the saga of and his stolen DeLorean that he claims is not a DeLorean but is totally…
Earlier, we thought's DeLorean was stolen from his Hollywood party. Then, we learned it was just…
The " possibly stolen DeLorean saga" has taken another turn. Apparently, the singer's car was more…
Black Eyed Pea, entrepreneur, fashion dude, and possible "automaker"'s custom DeLorean, which he at one…
We may have already driven DMC's electric Delorean, but Matt Farah does it on video. So here it is, and now let's…