People revere Kanye West like he's the second coming. These people, it seems, also scare him. So much so that he…
It's the year of the Snake in China. That means it's time for automakers to start pandering to the hugely expanding…
Hollywood loves to disguise Budapest by adding a few extra Ladas parked on the streets, with fake communist…
Dartz, probably the best of all the Latvian car makers, has made some of the most epic armored trucks — and movie…
Dartz, our favorite of all the insane Latvian armored car makers, will be supplying Bruce Willis with some armored…
Sasha Baron Cohen's new flick The Dictator features the titular character driving around in a gold-plated armored SUV
Here are the first pictures and video of the gold-plated DARTZ Kombat armored trucks driven by Sasha Baron Cohen in…
Which do you think has a harder time on a rockpile — the woman in the old-fashioned Playboy bunny getup, or the…
Let's face it: Once you've clad a military truck in fake whale-penis leather, what do you do for an encore?…
Only one thing could bring together Pamela Anderson, Sacha Baron Cohen, Saddam Hussein, and whale penis leather:…
Yesterday was International Womans' Day? Sorry, gals, we forgot! Russian boutique carmaker Dartz didn't, and,…
Remember the Russian SUV-maker whose whale-penis upholstery gave Pam Anderson the angry shivers? They're back with a…
Dartz calls it their newest opulence the Continental GT SS, not for "Super Sport," but for "snake skin." That's…
Crazy Russian carmaker Dartz, who gained notoriety when Pam Anderson protested their whale penis leather interior,…
The Ruskie wildmen at Dartz, not content resting on their formerly-whale-penis-leathered laurels, are prepping a…
Dartz, the infamous Russian auto tuners who dropped plans for a whale penis leather-lined SUV after Pamela Anderson…
The whole Dartz Prombron Monaco Red Diamond Edition with whale penis leather saga continues the weirdness. After…
It's Pamela Anderson's fault Russian custom car shop Prombron's backing away from including a whale penis leather…
Whale penis leather interior. That's all you really need to know about the $1.5 million Dartz Prombron Monaco Red…