A movie about the first Indianapolis 500, written by the man behind Hoosiers and Rudy, might begin filming this year…
Dialogue like "Hell's already walking the Earth" means it's time for another Nicolas Cage movie. He's another hell-bo…
Last week Michael Bay continued his reign of terror on Chicago to make the robogasmic explosion pornfest operating…
Transformers 2 was a nonsensical train wreck. Cast and crew promised the next would be better (possibly even…
Michael Bay's being himself again on the set of Transformers 3 — wrecking things and causing general chaos on the…
Robert is an abandoned tire with "telepathic powers that give him the ability to destroy anything he wishes without…
Even for a metal-suited superhero film, Iron Man 2 destroyed an awful lot of cars. The list contains everything from…
Here's the second Tron Legacy trailer — in HD! Best part? Forget about light cycles, we've seen those already in…
The second trailer for Iron Man 2 features the Audi R8 V10 Spyder spotted on the set earlier this year. Also, more…
These photos of a Lotus Evora on an unidentified film set in the French Alps show the same skis and gold-on-copper…
Along with more footage of Tony Stark's psuedo-F1 racer getting Whiplashed a la the first Iron Man 2 Trailer, this…
From the How Did We Miss This Department: A documentary on the world of professional radio-controlled car racing was…
When we were on the set for Fast And Furious, the fourth installment in the cheesy NOS-injected franchise, Director…
If you’re a maniac on wheels and would rather look at cool posters than suffer "a paper-thin plot, wooden acting,…
I say Alex Cox's Repo Man stands as The Greatest Car Movie Of All Time. His latest film- which should be released…
Got little car nerds and looking for ways to further indoctrinate them? Pixar's cooking up Cars 2 and here's the…
In MacGruber, Forte's antihero tools around in a red first-generation Miata. If you haven't seen the Saturday Night…
In fact, he’s cooler than the entire current Formula One field with their square haircuts, too-neat sideburns and…
As ridiculous as it sounds, the A-Team movie remake includes the only cast member we care about: the classic GMC…
Are cars in movies these days? Yes. Are they fun to watch? Not so much. Cars and movies are roughly the same age,…