A real-life train heist-style attempt at car theft took place on April 3 near the Milbertshofen train station…
Beau Alan Rogel of Rankin County, Mississippi has a habit of livestreaming his activities on YouTube. One recent…
Elon Musk is still in trouble for tweeting, Ford is eyeing those profits, the United Auto Workers union faces a…
On a cold afternoon in late January, I pulled into an industrial side-street of Saint Petersburg. There, I met with…
Lawrence, Kansas police recently responded to a “road rage” call that quickly revealed itself as a pointless parking…
Cops in Wales are looking for someone, or uh, some thing, that left a pick axe embedded in the hood of a…
Some folks in economically-struggling Papua New Guinea weren’t thrilled when their leadership approved the…
On Tuesday, the California Highway Patrol’s Modesto team posted to its Facebook page a picture of a Ram 1500…
In the kind of situation that would make anyone think they were imagining things, Houston-area resident Beverly…
In a plot that couldn’t have been scripted better in a Saturday-morning cartoon, an Alabama man failed to rob a…
Former Renault CEO Carlos Ghosn, arrested in November on allegations of financial misconduct, is awaiting trial in…
Monday night on a public road outside of Toronto, a 19-year-old took an Audi up to 246 kilometers per hour, or about…
It can be easy to put off scheduled maintenance longer than we should. Oil change? It can wait. Other fluids? You’ll…
This whole story reads like a Shakespearian tragedy, with two branches of the same family feuding, but instead of a…
In the ever-difficult decision of whether to spend an evening playing the legal version of bumper cars at a local…
Earlier this week, law enforcement officials in the Houston area put out a call to the public seeking help…
Thieves in Italy managed to get away with over $2 million after orchestrating an absurd, Fast and Furious-esque…
A grainy surveillance photo of a red pickup truck is key to finding a suspect who police say opened fire on a family…
Thinking on your feet isn’t easy to do, and even when a time-constrained idea fails, there’s solace in that you…