Teen Goes 153 MPH In An Audi, Don't Be This Teen
Monday night on a public road outside of Toronto, a 19-year-old took an Audi up to 246 kilometers per hour, or about 153 mph, all right in front of police, who pulled him over and promptly impounded the Audi.
According to a police spokesman, the Audi (model unknown), didn't even belong to the driver.
246km/hr on #Hwy403 in Mississauga. 19 year old driver took his buddies car for a "rip"🛣, unfortunately he wasn't able to return it 🏎🚓#7DayVehicleImpound#7DayLicenceSuspension #TakeItToTheTrack pic.twitter.com/8GiHRWgiw2
— OPP Highway Safety Division (@OPP_HSD) February 5, 2019
Here's a bit more from Schmidt via Globalnews.ca:
"[He] found a nice open stretch of the 403 and opened it up in front of officers who were doing speed enforcement," Schmidt said.
"They clocked him doing 246 km/h. That was it for his test drive."
The police stop resulted in an immediate week-long license suspension, and the Audi was also impounded for a week while police consider further charges, the Toronto Star said.
Now, it's generally NOT speed that kills, but I think we can all agree this fella should've just gone to the track.