How many times have you driven across a bridge and thought, “What are the chances that this just collapsed under…
Shh! Do you hear that? Feel it? Whispers in the night, a chill in the air. Must be the spirits that haunt Ghost…
Among New York City’s many famous landmarks, the Brooklyn Bridge remains a tourist favorite for its beauty and…
This weekend finally saw a moment of harmony between Mustang and Camaro drivers, when two ‘Stangs and a ‘Maro shut…
Next time, take the car with you, dude.
The craziest part isn’t that 23-year-old Mary Lambright drove her 30-ton truck onto this tiny bridge in Paoli,…
On this day in 1990, the I-90 Floating Bridge in Seattle collapsed. It sank so slowly that local news teams were…
The mighty Iowa Class Battleships are known for their heavy armor, yet their bank vault-like conning towers were…
Ahh, it’s Friday at last. The end of a long week. The end of a long two weeks for most of your humble, hardworking Ja…
I’m not sure what the hell people in Sabula, Iowa are doing, but they seem to have pissed off the Almighty an awful…
For years I thought that low-ass railroad trestle in Durham, North Carolina — the one meticulously covered by 11foot8…
Ever stare at the barest pieces of concrete and metal preventing you from veering off a bridge and plummeting…
The weird thing about crossing into Manhattan is that the tolls vary from entrance to entrance.
The famous 11 foot 8 bridge keeps a surveillance camera going to capture all of the unsuspecting truck drivers who…
When going over these bridges, hold your breath!
The Tappan Zee Bridge is, and always has been, a bit of a disaster. Built in the wrong spot, way too old, and…
The Golden Gate Bridge just got the new median it so desperately needed to prevent head-on collisions, but one neat…
We've had a dalliance with the surprisingly dangerous beast that is the 11-Foot-8 bridge before, but got-damn, I…