This dog-bites-car graphic by New Zealand's 3 News is by far the best/worst news graphic I've ever seen.
"I think we lost the deposit," quipped a German tourist after a five-ton elephant smashed in his safari car's window.
So America has been on the path to Hell now for quite some time, no one disputes that. What with our dogs and our…
If you're wondering what a Tibetan traffic jam looks like, it's this: One mountain road, one bus, and a bunch of…
Alright, so no actual pants were peed as this was shot in South Africa where I'm sure things like this happen all…
These past few years we, as a nation, have been lulled into a false sense of security, but this video will surely…
Well, here's something you don't see every day. At least not in this country.
In today's 'holy crap this is adorable' news, a truck driver was caught on a dash cam rescuing a frightened kitten…
It looked like it was all over for this dove standing right in the middle of the Monaco Grand Prix course today.…
That is a moth, driving a car. The steering wheel is a ball, and the moth walks along the ball to make it go places.
A 10-foot, half-ton elephant seal stopped traffic for about an hour as it crossed the street in the coastal city of…
UGH. Lewis Hamilton, the 2008 Formula One World Champion, has a painfully cute dog named Roscoe.
A Florida woman was driving down the turnpike to Miami last Thursday when she hit a Great Horned Owl. Though it was…
At the Classic Car Club Manhattan the other night, there were portly little piggies. Here's one sidled up with an AMG…
Much like Ferrari's new lion-based 458 Italia security system, here is a lion sitting on top of a Mercedes SLS AMG.…
Today we saw Toyota joking that its GT86 doesn't care about dodging moose. What if you didn't want to dodge a moose b…
Arab Motors TV and the Gold Rush Rally have unveiled this image of Ferrari's new security system consisting of a…
After she'd driven all over northern New York State one afternoon, Stacey Pulsifer was convinced she heard mewing…
Hey Mother Nature, you thought electric cars were going to save you and all of your wonderful wilderness creatures?…