Rally cars are some of the fastest machines when it comes to covering real roads in the real world. But is one…
This is Waffles. Waffles is a cat. Waffles is about to completely fail at a sweet jump and give a handy lesson in…
Dogs! They're people too! Except they're more people than you are, because they are the only people worth marketing…
When I was growing up, Disney's TaleSpin was just something that came on the TV while I was wearing my pajamas.…
Three deer somehow found themselves stuck in the middle of Albert Lea Lake in Minnesota and they can count…
Everything, including the people, can kill you in Australia. This is a Fact. But what do you do when a venomous…
The Los Angeles Auto Show may be in full swing, but the biggest shocker this week in California didn't come from…
A man driving around with a pet bear in his Lamborghini shut down traffic on an LA street yesterday because he was…
Deer are notorious for being in the wrong place (the road) at the wrong time (always). But as this month is mating…
Here's Lewis Hamilton's adorable dog Roscoe bowling. You're welcome. (H/T!)
Regardless of why a chicken would cross a road, they can now do so a little more safely thanks to a new range of…
Imagine you're a traffic cop working an intersection a small Romanian town. You're minding your own business when…
You would think that because a motorcycle is narrower it'd be easier to avoid hitting things on the track, but…
Russian dash cam videos tend to be terrifying, horrible experiences, but usually they come from highways near the…
When choosing a car, you have to take into consideration who might be inside with you as a passenger. If your…
Volvo's new trucks are so easy to drive, a hamster could do it! No, really. Volvo Trucks built a makeshift hamster…
A zebra escaped from a circus in Bitgurg, Germany yesterday and managed to find this, the ultimate Zebra hiding spot.
It took three days for police to find and subdue an escaped cow wandering the streets of a Washington D.C. suburb. (Via)
Two curious polar bears come across an arctic cruise ship and are like, "the fuck is this?"