A Jaguar XF owner in Ahmedabad, India was dissatisfied with his vehicle so he did what any rational adult would do;…
The Swedish Moose Test is infamous for finding stability issues in cars. It sounds silly on first hearing, but it…
The dog that got chased off by Tara the hero cat was put down over the weekend. Train your animals right, and watch out in suburbia. Read more
A NEW DECREE SHALL HENCEFORTH REIGN OVER THE LAND: when you scrap your car, and you recycle all the metal, and all…
In honor of the 2015 Ford Transit van coming online, the company has dusted off their old photo albums and dug up…
A young kid riding his bike in Bakersfield, California was attacked by a neighbor's dog in the driveway. Amazingly,…
[This is the cover image for the original Lamborghini Miura brochure. It is, uh, rather bullish.]
Remember that time in school when you set a locker on fire, so you ran, and you thought you escaped, only to be…
[Apropos of nothing, here is a Ferrari 360 being chased by, like, a billion horses. This is an official Ferrari press picture from 1999.]
Unlike literally all other things on the Internet, this appears to be real: one guy in Medellín has taught his dog…
Two drivers were stung by bees hundreds of times after one car collided with a tree and angered a hive. How did one…
And the local fire department managed to get it out. It took half an hour and they had to flush the little critter…
Oh, what's this, in my special inbox tag for "silly dog things that also involve cars just to brighten up my day…
It might be powered by one horse, but that doesn't mean it has one horsepower. Truth is, I don't really know how…
Apparently cows don't like donuts.
Tear my eyes out because I have seen perfection - a doge puppy in a modded BMW 2002.
A South Carolina man pulled his public works pickup into a service bay after hearing a noise he wasn't too sure…
This is what it looks like to have a bird crash through your plane's window. It ain't pretty.
China Car Times has learned Chinese police found a dead Siberian tiger under a damn tarp in the back of a RAV4…