Well, here's something you don't see every day. At least not in this country.
A "rogue ostrich" caused chaos last week as it darted through heavy traffic in Zhangzhou City, China, according to NineMSN. The adorably quick winged land-beast was captured by several CCTV cameras as it ran through the streets before getting struck by a car.
But you can't keep a good ostrich down, so the bird simply got up and kept running — until it was struck by yet another car. Here's what NineMSN reports:
Police spokesman Huang Weiming said his officers struggled to capture the runaway bird because they had no previous experience dealing with ostriches. The animal was eventually captured and has been taken in by a zoo in China's southeast.
Despite being hit by two cars the bird did not appear to have suffered any serious injuries. It remains unclear where the animal came from.
Ostriches, man. Gotta watch out for 'em.
Hat tip to $kaycog!