The police officer in the latest Transformers 3 accident was injured, but released. [RadarOnline]
Robot, or Enthiran, is the most expensive Bollywood science fiction film ever created. It manages to combine…
The cars in the new Transformers flicks are mostly just GM products or concepts. Boring. In this clever…
Video of the Transformers 3 accident that put extra Gabriela Cedillo in a coma was leaked to RadarOnline. The…
As investigators attempt to determine the cause of the Transformers 3 accident that sent a 24-year-old extra to…
Transformers 3 has taken up residence at Detroit's old Packard Plant, a return to the city so prominently featured…
The latest vehicle spotted near the set of Michael Bay's third robogasm is a lifted and anything-but-stock red…
Last week Michael Bay continued his reign of terror on Chicago to make the robogasmic explosion pornfest operating…
Visitors to China's Green Dream Park—not far from the 2008 Olympics' "Bird's Nest" stadium—are currently being…
Transformers 2 was a nonsensical train wreck. Cast and crew promised the next would be better (possibly even…
Michael Bay's being himself again on the set of Transformers 3 — wrecking things and causing general chaos on the…
This cheeseball rock anthem first came to prominence as the "theme" of the 1986 Transformers animated movie. Since…
Pentagon scientists working with MIT and Harvard researchers have developed a paper-thin shape-shifting structure…
The mysterious Corvette Stingray speedster was recently caught on the set of Transformers 3. The car appears to be…
Everyone's favorite Chevy Camaro Autobot Bumblebee was caught chilling with Megan Fox on the set of Transformers 3…
Although still not as cool as the Bumblebee costume we saw this year at Comic-Con, you've got to admit this one…
Drawbridges were, at one time, new technology. We're way past that now. What we need is mecha able to transform from…
Director Michael Bay, the master of robogasmic disaster, announced yesterday Transformers 3 just started…
Props from both Transformers films will be be auctioned off next month. Lots include this giant styrofoam head of…