Serious LeMons fans know that the Index Of Effluency— given to the team that accomplishes the most with the…
Even after an SE-R Sentra (OK, fine, an SE-R 200SX) won a LeMons race last year, conventional wisdom held that…
With Prickstine, the Bavarian Ranchero, and so many other twistedly great cars at the Goin' For Broken LeMons, it…
With over a dozen cars wearing the Cone Of Shame (a traffic cone bolted to the roof, indicating that the team is one…
What else needs to be said? The Angry Hamster Z600 team loaned us the Short Bus, and you'll need a tactical nuke to…
Once again, the BumperCam captured the action at the 24 Hours of LeMons BS Inspections, shooting a photograph every…
The 24 Hours of LeMons has a way of making otherwise-normal racers eyeball a BMW, then pick up the cutting torch and…
A long, long, long day of inspecting so-called $500 cars for this weekend's Goin' For Broken 24 Hours of LeMons…
The LeMons race season has entered a particularly crazy stretch, due to the break triggered by Chief Perp Lamm's…
Yes, a Volkswagen Karmann Ghia with a Hitchhiker's Guide theme defied the odds and took the 2010 Cain't Git Bayou 24…
While Eyesore Racing has managed to take three winner-on-laps LeMons trophies, we never believed any other team…
In past races, those Cajun chefs have been more proficient with the seasonings than with the steering wheel. Black…
Falling squarely into the "Don't try this at home" department comes the latest ill-advised engineering breakthrough:…
We just got back to the hotel after plowing through another crawfish feast served by the Chauvin Cajuns... which we…
We just finished a huge meal of serious jambalaya, courtesy of those E30-drivin' Cajuns from Chauvin, Louisiana, and…
You know about the Police Brutality 1963 Thunderbird blowing its transmission at the Detroit Irony race, but you may…
The 26th race in LeMons history took place at Michigan's Gingerman Raceway last weekend, and we saw plenty of LeMons…
Is it possible for a $300 Volkswagen Quantum Syncro to survive all weekend in a road-course endurance race? No. How…
A Honda Civic has taken the win on laps at a 24 Hours of LeMons race before, but the Civic's two-seater cousin had…
When you finally give up on your hopeless LeMons Fiero and decide to upgrade to a more reliable machine, what do you…