Baksheesh, Jambalaya, and a Hemi: BS Inspections at the Cain't Git Bayou LeMons

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We just finished a huge meal of serious jambalaya, courtesy of those E30-drivin' Cajuns from Chauvin, Louisiana, and that capped a long, humid day of busting cheaters and rewarding the effluent.

You already know about the Imperial Hemi, of course.


I had the opportunity to ride along on a dragstrip run in this fine Chrysler. Sure, it ran a best of 16.1 seconds in the quarter-mile (we're talking about a very, very heavy engine in a very, very heavy car with skinny tires), but it was the best-sounding 16.1 seconds in dragstrip history!


We saw the usual cheaty Japanese engines.

And the engine that powered the winner of the most recent Houston LeMons race.

Our usual "BRIBED" stencil didn't get packed for some reason, so we had to use a box-cutter and 24-pack box cardboard to make a Stencil, Field Expedient Replacement. Baksheesh!


Speaking of field expedients, how about a case of Katrina-leftover MREs as a bribe?

While we're on the subject: with the hot and muggy weather, one team of Jalopnik readers camping at the track decided they'd take advantage of a conveniently located power outlet. Yes, that's a window-mount air-conditioner feeding a beer-box manifold attached to dryer hose.


I couldn't find a good mounting location for the BSCam this time, but I was able to catch some of the action from a strange angle:

Music: Hackberry Ramblers, "Faux Pas Tu Bray Cherie,"1938, via

Disclosure: Murilee Martin gets crazy baksheesh for his work as a judge on the LeMons Supreme Court.